Film in Progress!

After a decade of dreaming to create narrative short film music videos, we're finally making it happen! With brilliant director of cinematography and cinematographer, Chancey June, funding from Jay Keating and Songwriters Association of Washington, and a dedicated cast and crew, we are creating a six part film tied to six songs, weaved by a central storyline. It is a cinematic love letter to ghost stories, with themes of love, loss, and exploration of the supernatural. Check out some of our behind the scenes photos, by Ammar Habib, Eli Rodriquez, and Kelly Diamond, in the photo gallery below! As a person visiting the website, you're getting a fairly exclusive look at the film in it's near-finished state. *Shh* and enjoy!

Teaser Trailer

Where the Seams Have Frayed

Making of

Behind the Scenes

Director of Cinematography Chancey June (

Drone Camera & Behind the Scenes Eli Rodriguez (

Behind the Scenes Ammar Habib (

Funding Songwriters Association of Washington (